Bernard Brews Beer from Highland Hops
Bernard Master Brewer Josef Vávra has managed to grow hops in his garden near Humpolec and brew beer from them. Surprisingly, this crop, which usually grows in regions with a very different climate, did very well in the Highlands. Only limited amounts of this special beer are still available at brand stores and in the e-shop.
“Yes, you can grow top-notch hops even in the Highlands. They were grown at an elevation of 580 metres in Radostín, near the village of Jiřice. We harvested the hops and the very next day brewed a lager that was hopped four times,” said Master Brewer and Brewery CEO Josef Vávra about his willingness to use the freshly picked hops.
According to analytical and operating indicators, this new beer brewed at the Humpolec brewery is an 11 degree lager with an ABV of 4.5 %, IBU (international bitterness unit) of 37 and mild hop aroma. To describe the properties of the beer, Josef Vávra had to borrow the words of a poet: “…full body, long hair, husky voice, thin waist and heaving breasts – that beer is bliss.”
The new, smooth lager with Highland hops, of which only 110 hectolitres were brewed by the Bernard Family Brewery, has been brought to market in stylish bottles with a swing top stopper. The beer is on sale from November 6 and available at Bernard brand stores and in the e-shop.