Bernard Brewery Ramps It Up with Its New Brandy
The experiment resulted in a praiseworthy beverage suitable for both celebration and relaxation
Bernard Family Brewery has a new addition to its line of products. Bernard Beer Brandy can now be found among its sixteen varieties of beer. Brewery co-owner Stanislav Bernard came up with the idea for a new beverage at the time when the coronavirus emergency measures included a ban on the sale of keg beer.
Brewery management did not hold high expectations about the beer distilling experiment. “The result was a nice surprise: a crystal clear, mild brandy with a hint of malt. People enjoy the flavour. The first reactions to it have pleased us,” says Stanislav Bernard when presenting this new product.
The new beverage is made in the Zámecké sady Chrámce distillery, which specialises in distilling exclusive brandies. The first sample was made from several kegs of beer by professional distiller Jiří Syrovátka. “Mr Syrovátka spent some time performing his magic. When he sent us the results of his work and we tasted it, we sent back a whole truckload of beer for distillation,” adds Stanislav Bernard to the story of how the new beverage came to be.
Each bottle is an original
The brandy is on sale as a limited edition, with only two thousand 500 millilitre bottles and three thousand 100 millilitre bottles. Each bottle has a unique designation. The praiseworthy beverage, suitable for celebration and relaxation, contains 50.6 percent alcohol.
Bernard Beer Brandy will be on sale from 1 September 2020 in the brewery’s e-shop and at its brand stores and at selected vendors of quality brand-named alcohol, and will be on offer at the visitors centre, which the brewery will be opening next year.